Friday, July 8, 2011

Tonle Sap Lake

   (Tonle Sap Lake, Google Map)
   (Tonle Sap Bird)

   (Tonle Sap Fish)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What can you do in Siem Reap?

1. Visiting the Angkor Wat complex is a must. Angkor Wat is where you will learn more about Cambodia,  its people and their beliefs. 

                 During the Angkor Wat period,     from the 9th to 15 century, the Kingdom of Cambodia was one of the most powerful kingdoms in southeast Asia. All Cambodians are proud of the Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat became the identity of Cambodia and its people.

By visiting the Angkor Wat complex you will explore more of the great history of this nation. You will also learn about her cultural background and faith. 

2. Cambodia rice fields and Village life is worth a visit. Agriculture is the main source of income. Currently the world’s 15th biggest rice producer, Cambodia is targeting annual rice exports of 1 million tonnes within five years. The country plans to raise rice production to 9 million tonnes of paddy by 2015, up from the cur rent 7 million tonnes.  

3. Spend a day in the village to see for yourself how the villagers live. You can also experience farming in the village. It can be a fun and wonderful hands on experience.

4. Visit the Tonle Sap Lake. This lake is one of the most unique ecological water wonders in the world. It    is the biggest lake of South East Asia that changes it size every monsoon and dry season. With a         minimum size of 2.800 km²  and about 1 m depth in dry season and 15.000  km² with a depth of 8 m   during raining season.

        Contact us to plan for your trip!

Tel: (855) (0) 97 960 6161, (855) (0) 12 997 896 (855) (0) 96 22 55 911
